You've given me hope!

You've given me hope!

As I shared in my last blog, I had the opportunity to share my story of thriving after cancer at a women’s festival in July.

My talk, “I’m not the same…and that’s okay! How to thrive no matter what life has thrown at you.” was the focus of almost every waking minute in the week running up to the event as I honed the talk and my delivery of it.

As the day got nearer I realised that my biggest fear was not that I’d fluff my words or get lost or that the tech wouldn’t work. No, it was that I’d be talking to an almost empty tent. I kept telling myself that numbers didn’t matter. Whether there were two or 22 listening I could create an impact. I could help other women struggling with life after a big life event.

When the speaker before me finished I busied myself getting my tech set up and making sure my notes were to hand. When I looked up I realised not only was every seat full but there were women lined up along the back ready to listen. It was standing room only.

I started. I relaxed. I got into the flow and before I knew it my friend on the front row was giving me the five mins left signal and it was all over.

All that work, all that preparation, all that worry and it was done.

And now women were coming up to speak with me. To congratulate me. To hug me and give me cards so we could connect. Then one woman came and quietly said, “Thank you, you’ve given me hope.” I didn’t know her. I don’t know what her back story was but in that moment I realised that was why I had put so much work into the talk. Why I had been so passionate about speaking in the first place.

I want to give other women hope. Hope that no matter what life has thrown at you, you can move forward. You can embrace who you are now. You can create a life that is empowering and liberating no matter how lost you feel right now. No matter how adrift you feel.

I understand first-hand the chaos that follows a major life event. My own journey led me to a profound realisation. Change isn't something to fear. It's an opportunity to recreate and re-embrace who we are becoming.

And as I said in my talk, there is always hope. No matter what stage of the journey you are currently at. If you are still going through that major life challenge remember there is always life at the end of the tunnel. There are so many people who have walked that path before you. Let them hold your hand and walk you into the light.

And this is why I’ve launched my free “Who am I now and what’s next?” group coffee sessions.

I’ll give a short talk to inspire you and give you ideas of things you can do to flourish in your day to day life.

This will be followed by powerful coaching questions. These will get you thinking about who you are now and what’s next. You'll leave the session with actions to move yourself forward.

There will also be the opportunity for questions so you get to pick my brain! My aim is that you leave the session feeling inspired and hopeful and excited to start taking action.

Neither the coffee or having your camera on is compulsory. Bring the beverage of your choice and enjoy yourself! This is the link you need to sign up.

Our first session is on Monday 23rd October at 7pm BST on zoom and will last about an hour. Don’t worry if you can’t make it live. Sign up anyway and then keep an eye out for an email with the link to the replay.

Here’s to hope!

Breast cancer awareness - lessons and resources

Breast cancer awareness - lessons and resources

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